mileychonna's Badge

Best Celebrity Blingee Competition 1500+ points Score more than 1500 points in a Best Celebrity Blingee Competition

Blingees that won this badge

[ Taylor Swift ] [ Ocean water ] ♥ by mileychonna
[ 2eyes PiPPi ] [ PinkRed ] by mileychonna ♥
[ Hyolyn ] [ Special photoshoot 2015 ] ♥
[ Zayn Malik ] [ Night Changes ] ♥
[ Taylor Swift ] [ Blank Space ] ♥
Selena Gomez Starlight. ♥
[ Selena Gomez ] [ For ma Chouchou' ] ♥
[ Selena Gomez ] [in Bubble ] ♥
[ Selena Gomez ] [ is a Beautiful Fairy ] For Léa ♥ (nekochat)

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