Aurora-Lucia's Badge

Best Vintage Blingee Competition Top 25 Rank in the Top 25 in a Best Vintage Blingee Competition

Blingees that won this badge

Gift for korolek1976
L'Art est la Nature de l'Homme : la Nature est l'Art de Dieu • Art is man's Nature : Nature is God's Art
♦ Vous ne vous souviendrez pas du jou mais du Moment • We do not remember dys, we remember Moments ♦
♦ Lady Nan ♦
♦ Vintage & Fantasy ♦
♦ Summer, Beautiful Day ♦
♦ Beautiful Day ♦
♦ Beautiful Day ♦
♦ Sweet Memories ♦

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Rank 1st in a Best Anime Blingee Competition

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