susain11's Badge

"Penguins" Gold Blingee Receive an average rating of 4 stars after 10 votes, for a Blingee created during the "Penguins" Week (week of 2011/01/31)

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♥CoNtEsT♥ EnTrY♥
✿* Shall I not have intelligence with the earth? *✿
~ Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desireD ~
♥✿♡✿♥*♥* Hold a true friend with both your hands. ♥✿♡✿♥*♥*
★^^-★ I Want To Sleep Thinking Of You.....★-★
 ♥ - ♥  You know you're in love when reality is better than any dream.. ♥- ♥
How strange that Nature does not knock, and yet does not intrude!
 ♥ AnImE gIrL  ♥

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