xXxPauliinexXx's Badge

"Valentine's Day" Gold Blingee Receive an average rating of 4 stars after 10 votes, for a Blingee created during the "Valentine's Day" Week (week of 2011/02/14)

Blingees that won this badge

Fergie {Black & Pink} ♥ [~Beautiful Girl~]
Demi {Grey} ♥ [~My soul~]
Miley Cyrus {Vintage} ♥ [~Photo,SOURIE~]^^
Justin Bieber {Blue} ♥ [~New Photoshoot~]
Justin {Black & Pink} ♥ [~Speak & Smile~]
Vanessa H. {Red} ♥ [~Smile~]
Miley Cyrus {Blue & Purple} ♥ [~Beautiful Girl~]
Justin {Black & Grey} ♥ [~Your laught make my heart smile...~]
Nanis&Eva&Hannah&Léa&Me {Colours} ♥ [~My déconeu'zzzz~]

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