Death_The_Kid_Lover_4Ever's Badge

"American Football" Silver Blingee Receive an average rating of 3 stars after 5 votes, for a Blingee created during the "American Football" Week (week of 2013/09/09)

Blingees that won this badge

Reita~The GazettE
Miki Jynx Kurosaki~For zelda99
Twins Of Hearts
Mikuo and Miku Hatsune~ Love Hurts
Matryoshka Maka and Crona~ Soul Eater/Vocaloid Matryoshka
Happy Halloween~^^
Matryoshka Antonio Fernandez Carriedo~ Hetalia/Vocaloid Matryoshka
DJ Pon-3
Vocaloid SF A2 Miki

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