The Desanet ch.2:Why You Didn't Tell Me This Before?!

The Desanet ch.2:Why You Didn't Tell Me This Before?!
I told the zombie EVERYTHING that happened to me over the 19 years.When I told him about Akai,boy he was pissed."WHAT?!""Yeah."I told him neverusley."Alot has changed in 19 years..."He began to tell me."Where is the child?""What?"I siad confsed then tilted my head.He sighed"Remeber?""Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,no."Then I luaghed."Just kidding with ya Necro.Yeah I remeber."I told him then the memory made me shiver."Is it cold?"He asked"Noooooo."I answered him in my distusged voice."Sooo was it a boy or a girl?""A boy."I simply siad."What is his name?""Henery.""Henery?Well that is a insterting name.""For a boy who has NO personatily WHAT SO EVER."I told Necro."He gets it from you.I can't wait for the day he gets a personatily!AND when he sotps being such a smart ass!""I take that don't like him..."He siad looking up at the sky."I liked him when he was little but now he is gimme,gimme,gimme,give me money,can you give me money?"I siad pouting."Can I see him?"He asked."I don't konw...""Please.I didn't see him when was born,I didn't see him when he graduated school or anything.""Thats sad,ok."I siad out of pity.I started walking to his girlfriend,Banica,place so Necro can see the little egghead.Then something with Henery's sent came running."Mom!Oh thank god.I need you help.""Ok who the hell are you and why you smell like henery?""Mom it's me,Henery.""Prove it."I told him."Ok,once you wore bear fur thinking that it's a fur coat.""Ok I bevilve you.What the hell happened to you?!"I asked then Necro answered."He went thuogh the nocere molt.""I'll never understand you,Necro.""I DON'T WANNA LOOK LIKE THIS!!"*To be countned*
gemaakt door: angelo9900

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9 graphics were used to create this "you don't love me" picture.
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Sonamy4ever zegt:

4896 dagen geleden
Yays I've been dieing to know wat happen in chapter 2 :D 

OMFG Henery you look so so so i'll just shut it XD (Jk)

can't wait for the next one =3 5++++

Espiessa94 zegt:

4896 dagen geleden
*He Looks Scary But COOL :D*

Sonic2223 zegt:

4897 dagen geleden
Awesome! But I don't get it... '^^

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