ll Len Kagamine ll Dulceamor2

ll Len Kagamine ll Dulceamor2
While making this blingee I imagine him saving Rin from some sort of evil... OKAY SO HERE IS MY STORY!//// title: Dreaming teardrops /// ..."she hopes, she she wishes... she DREAMED!" It was already nightfall and still Len couldn't find princess Rin. He was tired and ready to give up. "I will give up my life and die in order to save my princess..." *faints and everything goes black* *wakes up 3 days later to find himself in a black room with blood all over the room. Len still weak opens the door and hears a 2 young little girls screaming. he goes to the corner and finds 2 young twins sister being held and told to say stuff. They refuse and to heaven they go. He stays there and sits, quietly. 3 hours have passed and it looks like the princess inst here. He was standing up ready to sneak out and leave. Just as he got up he heard a familiar scream. "LET ME GO! LEN! LEN WILL COME... LEN WILL COME AND SAVE ME!" He stared running towards the direction he heard the screaming. And all of a sudden flash backs start to appear in his brain, both good and bad. one struck to him. The reason Rin ran away in the first place was to keep Len safe and away from danger. "looks like I cant even keep my promise to stay away..." "But no.. WAIT! Rin need me, I need Rin in my life. I would give up my life fore her" He keeps running and find rin also being held.Look like he was about to shoot so without thinking I get up in front of rin. I take the bullet. I look at my chest and there's a hole that went right through. I look back at Rin if shes okay, She crying and her two hands are in her stomach. carefully I take them and I find the bullet went through mine and into hers. I hold her tightly in my arms forgetting about the people in front of use who hurt us. I was about to get up but I find Rin... dead in my arm. She crying, no shes dreaming. Shes dreaming teardrops. I sit back down and wait for us to go to heaven together. but they wouldn't allow it. I was taken to another room. Far from Rins cold unmoving body. I guess I cant even protect her dead huh. I lay down and in my dreams dream about her. But guess what I aint dreaming now. This dream is now reality in heaven.
gemaakt door: dulceamor2

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Gebruikte blingee-stamps

16 graphics were used to create this "pink yellow blue anime" picture.
Animated background
Dark Blue Sparkle Glitter Background_
Circle mandala blauefee1976 Deco Anime Background brown beige vintage retro red green orange
Circle mandala blauefee1976 Deco Anime Background blue white
Circle Jewels Frame - TracyMcGibbon
(`·.·[ Glitter Orange ]·.·´)
рамка ivk  blue
Circle mandala blauefee1976 Deco Anime Background orange fall halloween vintage retro red yellow beige
Circle mandala blauefee1976 Deco Anime Background red blue yellow
Circle Jewels Frame - TracyMcGibbon
Len Kagamine *shadow* {by nd.g-mf}
soave background texture animated gold
Glitter Stars Transparent AT
Thin Black Frame
Beautiful moments text - by michelle1234oi™



Hannzzii210 zegt:

3435 dagen geleden
╚══╩╝╚╝╚╩╩╩═╝╚═════╝  for you
Happy new Year!❤

japanfan12345 zegt:

3436 dagen geleden
/\.../\   	*stunning!*  
=‘•.•’=	*fantastic!*
.♥**♥	*beautiful!*

saya-chan93 zegt:

3446 dagen geleden
Really NicE :3

alina2104 zegt:

3451 dagen geleden
wow!your idea is fantastic!len pleasee save rin *^* ....5*****

Angel_dark_se... zegt:

3452 dagen geleden
๑۩۞۩๑тσтαℓℓу αωєѕσмє๑۩۞۩๑
          εïз 5★☆★☆★ εïз

japanfan12345 zegt:

3452 dagen geleden
/\.../\   	*stunning!*  
=‘•.•’=	*fantastic!*
.♥**♥	*beautiful!*

Arisuchan23 zegt:

3452 dagen geleden
♥~Amazing 5☆☆☆☆☆ ѕᴛᴀʀѕ~♥

Bibzer_Heyzer zegt:

3452 dagen geleden
(ʃƪ˘⌣˘ ) Beautiful ( ˘⌣˘ʃƪ) 

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