I love this song!

I love this song!
I love this song! "Buy U A Drank (Shawty Snappin')"! It has made me who I am. It has made me a T-Pain lover. It has made me a T-Pain obsessed person. It has made me really love him! I love T-Pain so much, you should hear the comments coming from my family! My daddy said I should have gone as T-Pain for Halloween, probably because I love him so much. My cousin said I'm gonna become T-Pain if I keep loving him so much. In a way, I have become T-Pain. Maybe when I say that, I don't mean I physically became a fine man with dreads, maybe I mean I have become just like him on the inside. If you knew who I was on the inside, you would know that I have so much in common with T-Pain. That is because I have become him on the inside. I don't mean it in a weird way. I just mean that his song changed me. It made me who I am. It made me just like T-Pain on the inside. It made me T-Pain #2. You might not know, I am known as T-Pain #2. I'm T-Pain #2! You know me! Ha...had to say it. Couldn't hold it back. Does that ever happen to you? You wanna say something, but it's so weird, yet you can't hold it back? That's what happens with me. That's what happens with T-Pain #2. I'm T-Pain #2. You don't know it, but my friend, Sandra, is known as T-Pain #3. My friend, Lecarla, is known as T-Pain #4. Is there a T-Pain #5? Yes, there is. Her name is Mya. Her nickname is Mymy. Don't ask me. That's what they call her. That's what her brother calls her. I talked to her brother before. I know T-Pain #6, her nickname is SexiWitSpec. I know, it sounds weird. She loves Spec, but she is one of the "other T-Pains". It's amazing. I have understood that she loves T-Pain. Obviously, she loves Spec, too. I used to love Spec. I still think he's sexy. He's just a pervert. OK, back to what we were talking about. T-Pain #7 is Segah. She is a girl from Turkey. That's another country. She's foreign. I have a foreign friend. Segah is my foreign friend. I have a friend who is T-Pain #8. Her name is Britt. We pretended we were cousins. We don't do that no more. We don't talk to each other no more. She is still one of the other T-Pains. There's a T-Pain #9. Her name is JaDerricka. I miss her. I have not talked to her in a long time. Just like my boyfriend, Adam. I haven't talked to him in a long time. I miss him. Wait, we're not talking about Adam. We're talking about the other T-Pains. He is definitely not one of the other T-Pains. Esha is! She is #10. She is like a sister to me. We were fighting. She got mad at me. I didn't get mad at her. I love her too much. Like a sister, I mean, OK? I love #11 like a sister, too! Her name is Alondra. Alondra Accius. She is awesome. She is as awesome as Brianna. She is #12. Brianna is #12. Dottie is #13. Dottie is really not named Dottie. She just refuses to tell anyone her real name. I met her on a chat room. She is my friend. She is awesome. So is Drea.
criado por: TPainzChik

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