I cannot comment on Makindontario's blingees or profile :(

posted: 2996 days ago
I tried to comment on  my friend Makindontario's blingees and it will not let me. The message I keep getting is "Sorry, you are not allowed to leave comments on this page." Why is this message continue to pop up? Makindontario is in my friend circle and I am in his so why can't I comment!? Makindontario has amazing and wonderful blingees and I want to comment so someone please help me with this issue.
posted: 2995 days ago
Hello Arisuchan23,

It could be that he has it set that way in his prifile settings.
posted: 2995 days ago
guardian06, other people in his circle are able to comment on both his blingees and his profile. I'm the only one that can't for some strange reason. Yet he is able to comment on my blingees and giving me 5 star ratings without that problem. Do you think there is something wrong with his profile setting? If so can you please help me contact him so that he knows what's going on?
posted: 2995 days ago
Hello Arisuchan23,

I'll see what I can find out for you.  In the meantime, try clearing out your browser history and see if that works.  
Hopefully I'll be back with a solution to your problem ;-)
posted: 2995 days ago
Is it possible that he may have blocked you?  Because usually, if you're unable to leave a comment, it's because they either have it set up that way or they blocked you.

At this time, no one else is having this issue.
posted: 2992 days ago
I noticed someone saying they were unable to comment on makindontario's profile but they were in his circle. So either there is a technical issue with just his account, or he might have blocked you but not removed you from his circle.
He used to be in my circle but he blocked me after I asked him nicely to not post spam on my blingees
posted: 2992 days ago
Might be technical issues. I don't think he would block me since I haven't done anything to make him do so. If he did block me he wouldn't be commenting on my blingees and rating them 5 stars. Have you found a way to contact him on this issue?
posted: 2992 days ago
I'll see what I can find out.  I've actually had the same issue.  MsYamiYugi is able to leave comments on my blingees but I'm unable to leave any comments on hers.  And that's because she has blocked me for some reason.
posted: 2990 days ago
Arisuchan23 Hace tiempo me ocurrió esto con una persona,  no voy a decir su nick porque creo que no vale la pena. Pregunté ingenuamente lo mismo que tú estás preguntando: ¿Por qué no podía dejar comentarios en sus creaciones?. Supongo que todo el mundo lo sabia menos yo. A veces soy bastante ingenua, lamentablemente. A los pocos días me di cuenta que me había sacado de su círculo. Esa persona sigue tranquilamente como si nada hubiera ocurrido, por lo visto se siente bien con ella misma y con lo que hizo. Por supuesto yo no le había hecho nada. Nunca me meto con nadie, hago mis creaciones y voto a los amigos hasta donde puedo y me lo permite mi tiempo. De todas formas fue ella la que me pidió que la agregara a mi círculo y al cabo de un tiempo me dio las gracias de esta forma, por lo visto no le encajaba en sus aspiraciones, las cuales desconozco. No voy a negar que me dolió y que  me sentí como una tonta por preguntar algo, que supongo que todo el mundo sabia o sospechaba. En estos momentos ya ha dejado de importarme. Ahora tengo más cuidado cuando veo algo que no me cuadra. No espero respuesta, ya que otras veces que he expuesto lo que me ha ocurrido, no ha habido respuesta alguna para mi, pero se que muchas personas van a leer esto, entre ellas la que me sacó de su círculo después de haberme pedido que la agregara al mío. Así que esto se quedará aquí como recordatorio de algo injustos, por si le pasa a otra persona que sepa lo que puede estar ocurriendo. Seguiré con mis creaciones. Esto forma parte del pasado y me sirve de experiencia. No tengo demasiado tiempo, peros siempre procuro cumplir con mis amigos dentro de lo que puedo. No todo el mundo hace lo mismo. Un saludo para todos, les deseo una hermoso día.
posted: 2990 days ago
Arisuchan23 Some time ago I took this with a person, I will not say his nickname because I think it is not worth it. I naively asked the same thing you're probably wondering: Why could not comment on their creations ?. I guess everyone knew but me. Sometimes I'm pretty naive, unfortunately. A few days later I realized that I had taken from his circle. That person is calmly as if nothing had happened, apparently feels good about herself and what she did. Of course I had not done anything. I never mess with nobody, I make my creations and vote to friends far as I can and I may my time. Anyway it was she who asked me to add it to my circle and after a while I thanked this way, apparently did not fit him in his aspirations, which I do not know. I will not deny it hurt and it felt like a fool for asking something, I guess the whole world knew or suspected. At present it has already stopped caring. Now I have more care when I see something that does not fit me. I do not expect an answer, because sometimes I have set out what has happened to me, there has been no reply to me, but I know many people will read this, among them the one that got me out of his circle after having called for added at the mine. So this will remain here as a reminder of something unjust, for if it happens to someone else who knows what may be happening. I will continue with my creations. This is part of the past and experience serves me. I do not have much time, buts always try to meet my friends in what I can. Not everyone does the same. A greeting to all, I wish you a beautiful day.
posted: 2989 days ago
had this happen before with someone in my circle, not sure how or why it happened but eventually I was able to comment again.
posted: 2989 days ago
You know I made a blingee about this hoping to get makindontario to see it but well he did and I got the usual high 5s comment and he did not talk about it with me at all even after he saw this blingee that is clearly about him.

Here is the blingee that I made about him.


I really feel you all are right and that he has blocked me. The worst part of all is that I did nothing wrong and he isn't telling me why. I took him out of my circle and blocked him too. Good riddance!
posted: 2986 days ago
Hello Arisuchan23,

I was going to leave you a comment on the blingee you left a link for but I'm not in your circle.  I did send you a friend request.
I just wanted to say that I'm sorry he blocked you.  I've had that happen to me as well by some people.  I don't know why they do it but they obviously feel they have a good reason to.  Best thing to do is not to let it bother you.  If that person couldn't even be considerate enough to tell you what you may have done wrong, then it certainly isn't worth getting upset over.  
It doesn't make sense to just block someone without first discussing the possible offense.  Apparently, it's easier to block a person rather than trying to save a friendship.  Of course, this is just my opinion ;-)
posted: 2986 days ago
That's something I'd like to see Blingee fixe. At least if you block someone, block everything that is associated with them except for their stamps, x out their names as if they're deleted, and remove them automatically from your profile... would make things less confusing and complicated.
posted: 2985 days ago
I agree.  I would definitely eliminate any confusion.

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