What do you do nice for flowers?

publicado: hace 5018 días
I buy flowers for my family when it is their birthday so i can give it to them. I think flowers are really special.I made a poem about flowers it was a limerique.This is how it went...
There once was a flower
that had no power
She hated rain
and was in pain
so never visted the tower.
Yeah i know it doesn't really make scence but anyway yeah so...We would like to hear what you say! Please reply!
From mel xoxoxo
publicado: hace 5018 días
I also buy flowers for special occasions, such like birthday, celebration, birth,...  a few times I also buy flowers to put on the table in our livingroom...
about your poem, it's really a nice start, the few words already says much,...
publicado: hace 5017 días
I Got some other poems to share with everyone:
Flower, flower grow for me, 
Become a flower from a seed, 
Grow your roots and a stem, 
Let the water come right in 
Flower, flower you are true, 
You make me happy when I am blue, 
You became a flower from a seed, 
You did all that just for me 
publicado: hace 5016 días
I like this one too
publicado: hace 5016 días
play game time!!!!! who can beat this flower?
publicado: hace 5016 días
ola a tod@s me alegra mucho en estar en buestro grupo y espero aprender mucho vuestro saluditos
publicado: hace 5015 días
can you translate that to engish for us please?
publicado: hace 5014 días
s wave to everyone I am delighted to be in buestro group and hope to learn much English your saluditosyo not do it with a translator so I feel the thanks herror
publicado: hace 5013 días
If you have questions or comments, you always can do it in Flemish, French, English or German.
I can answer you in Flemish, French or English.

To make my life easier I always leave comments in English, as I can't keep up who wants it in which language.  My comments are always positif, so you don't have to worry about that !
publicado: hace 5009 días
Who loves to garden with flowers???
Whats your favourite flower??
How many flowers do you have in your garden??
publicado: hace 5008 días
I buy flowers for special occasions, anniversary, recovery. .en still so much… but most for my own in house!
And flowers in house find always gloriously I:) I have translated this on translate site… Your poems are very beautiful.
Wish everyone here a very beautiful day !!!! 
publicado: hace 5008 días
I encnta my gardening, and I have a garden full of roses of all colors, daisies, gladiolus, and many more
publicado: hace 5008 días
I have no garden: (only balcony and there stands bake on with palm small trees, also gerania flowers
publicado: hace 4983 días
Well ok. At least you have some types of plants. Everyone needs to have some type of plant in their garden. If you are in a hotel or something like that you could have some flowers like the decorations or in a vase. And yes we know blinker the classification stuff and imformation all about language.

En primer plano


creado por: goldenkin...

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