MANGA !!!!!!!!

Surname:I won't say it XP
Name: Olympe (its not my real name its just my favorite name)
Nickname:Manga addic and Myo call me like that when ever you want!!
Age:12 almost 13 !!
-Drawing(its all my life !! I draw since I'm 6months old!!)
-Mangas,I LOVE THEM !!
-Video Games,I'm addicted to them !!
-Sience Fiction I LOVE IT

Languages:Francais (French),English,Tiny bit germain,Latin and Thaiღღღ
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____\ ######## //____



Met ça si tu es un(e) Rock fan !!

____++++++ METAL 6688888888______

-Drawing (its all my life I draw things since I'm 6 months!!)
-Manga I LOVE MANGA !! Manga RULES !!
-Dancing !!! I dance since I'm 2!!

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Put this on your page if you're a Naruto Shippuden and Naruto Fan !!
´´´´´´´´´´´´´´¶¶¶¶´´´´´´´¶¶¶´´ ´´´´´´´´´¶¶¶´´´´´
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´´´´¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶´´´´´´´´´´´            Put this on your page if you like Naruto.
                 Hidden Leaf Village
______________________§§§__________§_§_______ _________ 
_____________§§§___§§§_____§§§§§§§§§§_§§§§§§§__§______ _ 
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__§____§____§§§§§§§§§§_________§§______§§§§§_§§__§§§§ §§ 
Bon je vais le dire en français cette fois !! XP Mettez Naruto si vous etes une fan de cette série !! 
___________º¶¶¶¶¶¶ ooºº____
______________________00____ ¶¶0___
Mettez ce kunai sur votre profil pour propager la parole de Naruto a la vitesse d'un lancer de kunai !!

║║║║╔╗║╔╗║║║╠╗╔╣╔╗║║║Put this on your
║║║║╚╝║╚╝╣║║║║║║║║║╚╝page if you love

Put this if you support the Uchia's even thought they've donne bad things !!

´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´ ▬$$$$$$$▬´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´
´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ´´´____´´´´´´
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´´´´´´´´ * $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ´´´´´´´´
´´´´´´´´´´´´ *$$$$$$$$* ´ *$$$$$$$*
Put this if you love the Akatsuki !!
...P...Put This
...O...On Your                                 
...E...To Stop Pokemon               
...!!!...It Shows That You Care
.............................. ..........\........."'^,,
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........................".,... .............................. ..............,-"......../
......................... ..".,,........,.......,,,-~~^' ''''^^-------,,,',,--"

|_____NARUTO FAN BUS_|_| __\
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        |_____POKèMON FAN BUS_|_\
        |__________________ |_| __|

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-♥°°●     100% Anime Freak     ●°°♥-
(_¸.•´´ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ღ♥ღ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ `´•.¸_)

╔╗ ╔╗╔══╦╗╔╦══╗ 
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╚╝ ╚═╩══╩══╩══╝ 










Yeah !! I'm goth !!


¶¶ø´´´´´´´´´´´¶¶´´´´´´†э ลм๏ мเиล†๏  ¶¶øø
Put this if you are part of the Darkeness...

----///-\\\----Put This
---|||---|||---On Your 
---|||---|||---Blingee Site If 
---|||---|||---You Know 
-----\\///-----Who Died
----///--\\\---or has Cancer

Favorite mangas:
-Naruto Shippuden
-Fairy Tale
-Fairy Tale Kai
-Kingdom Hearts
-Fruit Basket
-La Foret de Myorie (don't know how to say it in english...tee-hee...)
-Eyeshield 21
-and alot more !! XD

Favorite Video games:
-Metroid prime resurection
-Naruto Ninja clash
-Rune factorie 1
-Rune Factorie 2
-Animal Crossing Wild World
-Izuna The legend of the unaployed ninja
-Izuna The legend of the unaployed ninja 2
-Super Smash Bros Brawl
-Matrix (the game)
-Kingdom Hearts Wii X-box and on DS
-Super Monkey Ball DS
-and much more...XD

Put this if you love video games !!

۩ ๑ ۞ ஐ • @ ღ ●↘↙ ₪ √ TM № ╬ ~ € ﺕ ≈ ॐ ♪ ® ♂ ♀ ◊ ї ^ + * & % # ̈ o 0 »-> ø ¤ ? ¿ © † ♡ <-« ๏ ย ร ж ° ■ஹ ஸ ఋ ఊ ௌ ொ இ ౖ ௲ ூ ஃ ஊ ஏ ஒ ஓ ஔ ஜ ి ಔ ృ ూ ప ௯ ி ஜ ಋ ౡౠ ౖ ಱ ಯ ಮ ಭ ಬ ↔ ↕ ﻬ ҳ̸Ҳ̸ ± Ψ۝ ╦ ╩ § ▲♦ ¶ ∩ $ x » « ╚> <╝♫ ♬ ♩ ♭ ☀ ☜☞☎☏▣▤▥▦▩♬ ♩♭ の☆→あⓛⓞⓥⓔ。 ㊈㊉㊊㊋㊌㊍㊎㊏㊐㊑㊒㊓㊔㊕㊖㊗⑪⑫⑬⑭⑮⑯⑰⑱⑲⑳㊀㊁㊂㊃㊄㊅㊆㊇㊈㊉㊊の ♥ ♠ ♣ ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ↔ ↕ → ← ▪ ▄ █ ▌ ✄ ⁂ ░ ▒ ▒ ▓ ◦ の → ■ Ψ ζ ω ∏ ∩ ∞ ≡ ▄ ≠ ^_^ ─ = » « ﺴ ▲ γ ō ♥╠═╝▫■□ »« ̸ ̸ ±җ ോ ൌ ് ൗ ൠ ാ ി ീ ു ൂ ൃ ಂ ಃ ಅ ಆ ಇ ಈ ಉ ಊ ಋ ಌ ಎ ಏ ಐ ಒ ಓ ಔ ಕ ಖ ಗ ಘ ಙ ಚ ಛ ೠ ೡ ೦ ೧ ೨ ೩ ೪ ೫ ೬ ೭ ೮ ೯ ௩ ௪ ௫ ௬ ௭ ௯ ௰ ௱ ௲ ભ મ ય ર લ ળ વ શ ४ ५ ६ ७ ८ ९॑ ॒ ॓ ॔ क़ ख़ ग़ ज़ ड़ ढ़ फ़ य़ ॠ ॡ ॢ ॣ । ॥ ० १ा ि ी ु ू ृ ँ ं ः ॄ ॅ ॆ े ै ॉ ॊ ो ौ ् ़ २ ڧ ڨ ை३ ஹ ஸ ್ರ" ಳ್௮ ಆ ಕ್ಷ್ ఋ ன ಠ್ ಳ್ ப ம உ ஊ ఊ ௌ ொ இ ౖ ௲ ூ ஃ ஊ ஏ ஒ ஓ ஔ ஜ ి ಔ ృ ూ ప ௯ ி ஞ ஜ ಋ ౡౠౖ ಱ ಯ ಮ ಭ ಬ ભ મ઼ ઽ ા િ ી ુ ૂ ૃ ૄ ૅ ે ૈ ૉ ો ૌ ્ড ঢ ণ ত থ দ ধ ন প ফ ব ভ ম য র ল শ ষ স ঁ ং ঃ অ আ ই ঈ উ ঊ ঋ ঌ এ ঐ ও ঔ ক খ ಝಲ ಶಞ ೀ ಾ ಿ ಧಿ ೈ ೋ ೌ ೬ ೂ ೄ .:。গহ  ҈ لّـّـّّا җ ↔ ↕ ▪ ಕ ∙ ▒ ◦ ≌ ﺴ ▓ ▲ γ ō ╦ ╩ ┘ ┌ ω Θ ۣν ώ x ч ﺴ ೪.೫ »»--><--«« ﺴ *̡͌l̡*̡̡ ̴̡ı̴̴̡ ̡̡̲̲̲͡͡͡͡ ̲▫̲͡ ̲̲̲͡͡π̲̲͡͡ ̲̲͡▫̲̲͡͡ ̡̡̲͡ † ‡ ‼ ﻙ ფ ﻍ ﻪა ბ გ დ ხ ჯ ჰ ჱ ე ป ผ ฝ พ ฟ ภ ม ย ร ฤ ล ฦ ว ศ ษ ส .:. س ♠« ̸ ̸ ±җ ٤   ئ بت ج خ ذ ز ش ض ظ غ ف ق ك ل ي ٤ שׂ ﮓ ﺼ ﻅ ﻺ ? ﻲ ﻱ ﻒ ﻦ ﺺ ﺵ ﷲ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ○ ◘ ◙ ◦ ☺ ☻ ☼ ♠ ♣ ♦ ♫ﻉ ﺦ ◣◢ ★ 〘〙 א ב ג ד ה ם ע צ ת ש ؤ 1 » 1⁄4 1⁄2 3⁄4 a « ¬ ̄ ± † ‡ ٣ ٨ ٭ چ گ ۴ ‍ ₧ ₫ ℅ TM → ↑ ↓ ↔ ↕ ∞ ≠ ≡ ⌂ ⌠ ⌡┌ ┐└ ┘├ ┤ ┼ ┬ ┴ ║ ╒ ╓ ╔ ╗ ╖ ╕╘ ╙ ╚ ╛ ╞ ╟ ╠ ╣ ╢ ╡ ╤ ╥ ╦ ╩ ╨ ╧ ╪ ╫ ▀ ▄ █ ▌ ▐ ░ ▒ ▓ ■ □ ▪ ▫ ▬ ❀ .B。◕‿◕。 I ☁ Þ ✱ ௫ Ω ж фю ◇ ◆ ☂ ╰☆╮☃ ☄ ★ ☆ ☇ ☈ ☉ ☊ ☋ ☌ ☍ ☑ ☒☢ ☸ ☹ ☼ ☽ ☾ ✙ ✈ ✉ ✌ ✁ ✎ ✐ ❀ ✰ ❁ ❥ ❦❧ ➳ ➽ 〠〄 ㍿ ♝ ♞ ➳ ➴ ➵ ㊚ ㊛ ㊙ ✗ ✘ ✚ ⋌⋚⊰ ♡ ☜ ☞ ☎ ☏⊙ ◎ ☺ ☻ ► ◄ ▧ ▨ ♨◐ ◑ ↔ ↕ ▪ ▫ ☼ ♦ ▀ ▄█ ▌ ▐ ░ ▒▬ ♦ ◦ ☼ ▣ ▤ ▥ ▦ ▩ ◘ ◙◈ ♫ ♬ ♩ ♭ フ ☆♂ ♀→  。 ❤ 。◕‿◕。 *.:。 ♡○。◕‿◕。 ☜ ☞ ∞ ≡ ﹌♡。◕‿◕。 ☜ ☞ ∞ ≡ ⊙◎☺ ♨░ ▒✞ ゚゚・✿。✿ ♧ ➽☊. *.。 ✿ ❦ ❧ ➳ ➽♋ ♫ ☼☺◦◙◘ ○○ ◄▼►▲▫▪□■▓▒░▌█▄▀ ൌ೫✿*゚‘゚・✿.。.:* *.:。✿*゚’゚・✿.。.:* *.:。✿*゚ ゚̈✎・ ✿.。.:* *.:。✿*゚ ゚̈✎・✿.。.:*【】 ∞ ㊝ ≡ ✖ 乀 の♈ ◖◗♋ 灬 ◈Ш ǎ ☃ ☎ ☏ ☺ ☻ ▧ ▨ ♨ ◐ ค ๒ ๔ ﻮ ђ เ ן к ๓ ภ ๏ ק ợ г ร t ย ש ฬ ץ א н ι נ к м ρ т ό ω ү đ ί ј ķ м ό ρ ν ώ 


  • Times In the Spotlight: 2
  • Badges: 17
  • Gold Blingees: 1
  • Silver Blingees: 26
  • Stamp Contributions: 0
  • Postcard Contributions: 0

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The Prindesse of darkness
The Prindesse of darkness
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anime2012 says:

3843 days ago
I joined your group and if you do not mind join mine please

974SeVe974 says:

4395 days ago
Coucou Myo !  
Toi aussi tu joue à Super Smash Bros Brawl ????

Aigis says:

4404 days ago
Would you like to join my Miku Hatsune Fangroup?

974SeVe974 says:

4413 days ago
Ah okey' je suis désolé pour toi... ^^ là je suis fatiguée aussi.

S0S08 says:

4413 days ago
oh thanks you are nice girl 2 

974SeVe974 says:

4413 days ago
Salut Myo c'est pas grave moi je me suis pas connecter pendant quelques jours. 
Moi ça va un peu fatiguée mais bon et toi ?

S0S08 says:

4414 days ago
why she hate you ? and i am good why you send thank you 

Hayl. says:

4414 days ago
Oh that's not so good o: I'm sorry :(
I'm okay...but I'm still a little bit ill -.- And school was a horror this week o.o...Which Music do you like best? ^^
see ya (: 

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