TwilightLover373's Badge

Best Girl Blingee Competition Top 50 Rank in the Top 50 in a Best Girl Blingee Competition

Blingees that won this badge

Winter Fantasy by ♥TwilightLover373♥
Jennifer Lawrence by ♥TwilightLover373♥
Merry Christmas by ♥TwilightLover373♥
"Let it snow": Winter Fantasy by ♥TwilightLover373♥
"Betrayal's kiss is deadly": Goth Fantasy by ♥TwilightLover373♥
"Sometimes I can't believe you're real": Goth Fantasy by ♥TwilightLover373♥
Vintage Summer by ♥TwilightLover373♥
"Beauty & Elegance": Vintage Woman by ♥TwilightLover373♥
Kristen Stewart by ♥TwilightLover373♥

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