MoiThePrincess's Badge

Best Friends Blingee Competition 1000+ points Score more than 1000 points in a Best Friends Blingee Competition

Blingees that won this badge

**She's gone but she's everywhere**Pretty Little Liars "© m.τ.pя¡йςзŝš"
**Pretty Little Liars: never trust in a pretty girl with an ugly secret**pink and gold "© m.τ.pя¡йςзŝš"
**Got a secret? Can you keep it?**Pretty Little Liars "© m.τ.pя¡йςзŝš"
**History repeats**The vampire diaries "© m.τ.pя¡йςзŝš"
**Happy New Year 2011**party "© m.τ.pя¡йςзŝš"

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