joekila's Badge

"Ballet" Gold Blingee Receive an average rating of 4 stars after 10 votes, for a Blingee created during the "Ballet" Week (week of 2011/02/07)

Blingees that won this badge

i blow u a kiss!!
i'm beautyful in my way cuz god doesn't make mistakes i'm on the good track baby i'm born this way! *0*
magic garden of GaGa...
GaGa vintage!
indovinate chi è? INDOVINATE!!! sono sicura che non ce la farete! xD io stessa che la conosco tanto bene ho fatto fatica.
lady gaga on vintage background
lady gaga 4 valentine (LEGGI DESCRIZIONE)
that was the day that i promess il never sing of love ifi it does not exist...but darling you are the only exeption!

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