Patrick Love Alice. Episode 1. *Alice Jones.

Patrick Love Alice. Episode 1.  *Alice Jones.
Alice's P.O.V ~ It's spring, you feel light like a feather and as bright as the sun. Your in your hoodie that has starts all over it. Its green and comfy. Your weaing your black skinny jeans and your Short Stack shirt. But, suddenly, you heard some guys from your school walking behind you. "Hey, Alice!" You recongize that voice. It's James. Your ex boyfriend. You broke up with him after you found out he cheated on you with the school slut, Rebecca. You were still trying to get over him, after 3 months. YouYou were so inlove with him, you would die for him. He loved you too, but then he changed...he started drinking and having sex with girls you didnt know, he started lying to you and not paying any attention to you. He put you through hell and you dont want to get hurt again. You find it hard to trust anyone and you couldnt tell anyone because all your friends started sleeping with random guys and getting drunk, kinda like James. They all love cassidy and copy her. Your Mum died a year ago and you dont know your dad, so you live in a foster home. "Oi! Whore, im talking to you!" James and his mates started running up to you. You finally turned around. "What do you want, James?" You ask annoyed. "I want you to go die in a hole, just like your mum!" "SHUT UP!" You yell at him. (Your mum was murdered). "Yano she was a prostitute dont you?" Your eyes began to water. You turned around and started to walk off. "Thats what I thought! Your just like her. A slut." He had crossed the line. "Why? Because I wouldnt SLEEP with you!?" You snapped and took off running wherever your feet would take you. You ended up outfront of a house. You walk over to the gutter and sat down. You put your hand in your knee's and started crying your eyes out. You heard walking. 'Great.. Now i just hope i could get raped and die..' You thought. "Are you alright?" Someone with a honey-like voice asked. You looked up. To find a amazingly gorgeous guy. He had Blonde-Orange hair. He was sorta chubby, but he was fit. He was wearing black skinny jeans & a Fall Out Boy shirt. He looked worried. "I-i Dont even know a-anymore" You manage to stutter. The boy sits beside you. He sighs. "I'm Patrick" He said with a smile. You turn to him. "I'm Alice" then you put your head back in your knee's. "So, your James' ex, huh?" "yeah..." You mumble into your knee's. " You seem more of the romantic type..." You look at him. "I am...He was when we were together, but he changed for the worst..." "I know" "How?" "I know everything about you...this may sound strange but...Ive been watching not a stalker but i feel...protective of you" You look at him confused. "But why me? Why not Cassi or Sam or Kelly?" "Because youre not like the other girls" You turn away and another tear falls. "I didnt mean in a bad way. Youre special" "Pfft. Nt to anyone around here..." "Youre special to me..." He says hesitantly. You look into eachothers eyes and his hand reaches out to grab yours. You pull away unwillingly. "Can I see your arms?" You look at him nervously and stand up. He stands up too. "Please?" "No" "Why?" "Because...I dont have to show you" Your begining to be defensive. "I saw you do it last night, Alice. I want to help" Youre crying again, "Well you cant, okay? Just leave me alone!" You turn to walk away. "No! I wont let you hurt yourself!" "Why do you care? No one cares about me. No one loves me...No one wants me...I am a waste of air!" "DONT YOU EVER THINK THAT!" he was about to say something else but you turned away and started walking home. You get home around 11:45 pm. You climb threw your window, your foster parents never let you out. So you sneak out. All the time. Just to deal with your stress and anger. You get home and you collapse on your bed staring at the scissors on your bedside table. Your crying your eyes out, its nearly 12 am. Something taps on your window. Another tap. You get up slowly and look outside your window. You see a dark figure outside. You open it. You see the figure start climbing up the vines on the side of the house. You freeze in your place. Your head is nearly outside the window. The figure is in your reach. You hear a whisper, "Alice, please let me in" You look surprised. "Patrick?"You were about to tell him to go away but he was already climbing through your window into your room. His arm reached out toward you but you took a quick step back. "Emily, I didnt come here to hurt you...please. I want to help" "Well you cant. No one can. Im a wa--" "Dont say that! Please, Alice.." He took a step toward you. Your back was now against the wall. Really, you wanted his help. But you were too afraid you were going to get hurt again. You couldnt go through that again. He was really close to you. His body inches from yours. "I can make it go away..." He whispered as he wiped away a tear falling down your cheek. You give up and start sobbing. He pulls you in for a hug. You dont fight him off. You begin to realise that you love him...more than you loved James. Your sobbing into his chest. His arms around you tightly. Your hands grip hs shirt. He pulls away slightly and grabs your hand and pulls you to the bed. You sit down and he sits down opposite you. "Baby girl, how did you get in this mess?" He says as he pulls away a strand of hair that covered your face. You explain to him about everything. His phone rings. "I gotta take this" He answers it. "Dude, not now...okay ill see you then. I gotta go" He says as he hangs up. You look down and another tear rolls down your cheek. He goes to wipe it away but you block his hand. "Just leave" "Im so--" "Just leave" You repeat. He looks hurt. He walks over to the window. "Night, Beautiful" He whispers as he climbs out the window. You cry yourself to sleep. ~~~ What will happen to Alice? Will she see Patrick again? Is James going to hurt her? Have to wait and see. <3
gemaakt door: haiemily

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