Hi im Stephie

so whats up?
i am stephiee and this is my blingee account.I am a Model (well not really, i just submit my photos to a lady who owns a modeling agency over the net called "kawaii inc.org")now, i am on bebo, myspace,msn,kawaii addicts and choco-milk lovers-paradise.I have 2 bros and one sister.And i live in japan on loveworthy street.I love cute stuff and on my homepage....thats my myspace.
i am also a manager in the best kawaii candy group in the world of blingee, my sweet,sugar candy land.Me and the girl who owns it,Rinae are cousins, how cool???


  • Times In the Spotlight: 0
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  • Stamp Contributions: 4
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sweet_choco_m... says:

5164 days ago

sweet_choco_m... says:

5527 days ago
hey girl 
whats up??

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