ProMiley's profile

I'm a huge Miley Cyrus fan. And I don't give a rat's behind what y'all think about that. ;)

I live in Fort Collins, Colorado. No doubt the best 
place to live. 

If you're nice to me, I'll be nice back. If you don't like me, Kiss my (_|_) 

HATERS: You got a problem with Miley? Solve it. You think Miley's tripin'? Tie Miley's shoes. You can't stand Miley? Sit down. You can't face Miley? Turn around. 56% Percent of teens would be happy if Miley Cyrus was standing on the edge of a tower ready to jump. Copy and paste if your a part of the 44% yelling "Dont Jump, we love you." 

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When every creature in the world is born
A spirit stands beside them 
To light their way through the long dark nights 
and sing them songs to guide them
Because each of us has a destiny that sets us all apart
The path is different for you and me
But the journey begins in the heart


  • Times In the Spotlight: 0
  • Badges: 25
  • Gold Blingees: 0
  • Silver Blingees: 0
  • Stamp Contributions: 437
  • Postcard Contributions: 0

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JOHNESHIA6789J.I says:

5075 days ago

Kidsiu says:

5130 days ago
THank you For the Comment. 

Kidsiu says:

5130 days ago

Kidsiu says:

5130 days ago
What Happen here?

JOHNESHIA6789J.I says:

5154 days ago
 hello everyone could you take a quick moment to read can you please comment my pictures and please ADD CHRISTYEN6789C.H to your list and rate and comment his pictures hes in my top number1

MileyRayCyrus... says:

5155 days ago
thanks 4 the comments!!! <3 :D xx

Kidsiu says:

5162 days ago

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