
I'm Selena Gomez (although some do not believe me) jaja, well, not very good Spanish y. .. Please do not eat if you are Spanish letters or words because they are not Spanish and I have to use a translator. I hope you like my bling!

Esto es para Espanioles:
Yo soy Selena , (aunque no me creais)jajaja , bueno , no os comais letras ni palabras porque no se mucho Espaniol y tengo que usar el tradductor.¡Espero que os gusten mis blingees!

PD:I do not give my msn for security
PD:Yo no doy mi msn por seguridad

                Selena Gomez


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sara130 says:

5300 days ago
Please come in my groups that would be very nice ! Thanks !!!
http://blingee.com/group/34216--100-Miley-Cyrus- & http://blingee.com/group/45243 and http://blingee.com/group/56453-Love-Selena-Gomez-4ever

ser_star15 says:

5327 days ago
Sorry but you're not the real Selena Gomez do not think so ... besides that not a famous aria at this website really hope this will not ofennda

ser_star15 says:

5327 days ago
Sorry but you're not the real Selena Gomez

Demilovatobil... says:

5355 days ago
Hello dear user this message I have left to users who have forged my personality, please do not falsify it is a crime and I'll have to discuss this with the staff of this website and can get the bill remove yourself please say the truth 
Demi;) will certainly not worth doing this were even taller than me Thanks:)


OfficialSelen... says:

5366 days ago
Im the REAL Selena. So sorry. I can't let the fans believe YOU because your not the real one. Sorry.

olga-12 says:

5375 days ago
hola que tal selena?yo soy olga

andrea23456 says:

5377 days ago

cienxcienjona... says:

5390 days ago
Feliz cumpleaños!!
Happy Birhtday!!

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