My Profile

My name is Brooke. I love to have fun, hang out with my friends, and alot more. I hate it when people get an attitude with me. im not good with those... I love all of my friends and I will always be real and never bail out on them... I don't care what people say to me and all that,,, cus mosta time they childish and they know I don't like that at all... Also I don't care if I get in trouble and I really just don't care.... I am me and You cant change that no matter what you do or try.... Plus if you really know me you know that I don't like it when people try to try me... no never do that with me because we are just going to get in a fight....


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dreeaamy says:

4880 days ago
aam zstaa chyydaa tuuupinckk

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