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Fantacy horse
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calypsome says:

4504 days ago
I am sorry I have not been on in a year :/ I have been so busy with my horse and 4-H that I have not been on ;'( 
Hugs and Kisses!

mandarinschen says:

4873 days ago
Letter with the Father Christmas The Father Christmas asked what I wanted like gift for the festivals, then I did not hesitate said to him that the only gift which would give me pleasure is it takes care of the person who reads this message. Make follow to all the people who count for you, and also to me if in form part. 
Larges kisses.
your mandarinschen

mandarinschen says:

4887 days ago
no i havent that equipment jet but in the future i want make them selve and then u will get unique stamps from me ;D

mandarinschen says:

4887 days ago
so my calypsome now u have a golden badget i was on tour trough all your blingee interestig ;D vote with 5 stars always i will say what can i do for u hope u dont give up and make some new creations kisses and hugs your way;)

mandarinschen says:

4887 days ago
i can send u more if u want darling so great that u are back here hope u come again my calypsome ;) have a wonderful christmas time 

calypsome says:

4896 days ago
thanky you for that stamp!! it's BEAUTIFUL! did you make it!?!?!? :D and those are cool lolz :P

mandarinschen says:

4897 days ago
¸.•*¨) YOUR (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´¸¸.•¨¯`•. . *.* + ** PAGE. + * .*. . * + * *
+ . + . WITH. *+ . + * +. + . . *+ . + * . * +. + , *. + * + * + . . * +
. LOVE ...* + * .(¯`v´¯) * + .* . * * + HUGS. *.* . + . * + * * . 
`*.¸.*´ + * .. ** + . +... * * (¸.•´ .•.*..) ...*SMOOCHES

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