hell_girl12345's profile

my head is a jack-o-lantern filled up with cotton candy 
my eyes are two oreos 
my hair is made from gummi worms 
my lips are crayoned on 
in my chest is a bunny with a drum that keeps my heart shaped glasses beating 
my intestines are fruit loops 
my blood is made from milk


  • Times In the Spotlight: 0
  • Badges: 2
  • Gold Blingees: 0
  • Silver Blingees: 1
  • Stamp Contributions: 7
  • Postcard Contributions: 0

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princess ressurection
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hell_girl12345 says:

5592 days ago
hi everyone i think u hav seen my stamps already just tell me if u need more cause i still need to look for them

hell_girl12345 says:

5654 days ago
hi my name is shanelle nadine dakay siao im i named my username hell_girl12345 because i wanted my username better anywayi will be making more

hell_girl12345 says:

5654 days ago
hi my name is shanelle nadine dakay siao im i named my username hell_girl12345 because i wanted my username better anywayi will be making more

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