I'm Fuckin Rock + Roll!

I wanna boy that tastes like whisky and cigarettes
So who's it gonna be?
Who's gonna be next?

(i've got a boy like that his name is shane! <3 )

(I'm me and no one else bitches!)

__.·-"-·.___ This is Snoopy. Copy and
_/) c_c_(\__ paste him to ur profile to
(/(_ O _)\)__ help him gain world
_(``)~(´´)_ domination

1 thing
2 say
3 days grace
4 life
5 stars
6 seconds to make this
7 seconds to read this
8 cheers
9 thumbs up
10 things
1 thing
2 say
justin beiber
is gay =] 

( '_')
(> )># So, i got you this lil waffle.
....('_' )
.#<( <) but then I was like...
.(>#<) dis waffle be looking good!!!
(> <)
so i atez da little waffle. ^^

●ṡρεll øυτ ÿøυɾ ṉ-α-ṃ-ε αи∂ ṡεε ώhατ ïτ ṃεαṉṡ●
α: høτ
в: løṿεṡ ρεøρlε
с: ģøøḋ ќïṡṡεɾ
ḋ: ṃαќεṡ ρεøρlε lαυģh
ε: hαṡ ģøɾģεøυṡ εÿεṡ
ƒ: ρεøρlε ώïlḋ αṉḋ сɾαʐÿ αḋøɾε ÿøυ
ģ: ṿεɾÿ øυτģøïṉģ
h: εαṡÿ τø ƒαll ïṉ løṿε ώïτh
ï: løṿεṡ τø lαυģh αṉḋ ṡṃïlε
ј: ïṡ ɾεαllÿ ṡώεετ
ќ: ɾεαllÿ ṡïllÿ
l: ṡṃïlε τø ḋïε ƒøɾ
ṃ: ṃαќεṡ ḋατïṉģ ƒυṉ
ṉ: сαṉ ќïсќ τhε hεсќ øυτ øƒ υ
ø: hαṡ øṉε øƒ τhε вεṡτ ρεɾṡøṉαlïτïεṡ εṿεɾ
ρ: ρøρυlαɾ ώïτh αll τÿρεṡ øƒ ρεøρlε
σ: α hÿρøсɾïτε
ɾ: ģøøḋ вøÿƒɾïεṉḋ øɾ ģïɾlƒɾïεṉḋ
ṡ: сυτε
τ: ṿεɾÿ ģøøḋ ќïṡṡεɾ
υ: ïṡ ṿεɾÿ ƒυṉ
ṿ: ṉøτ јυḋģṃεṉταl
ώ: ṿεɾÿ øρεṉ ṃïṉḋεḋ
χ: ṉεṿεɾ lετ ρεøρlε τεll ÿøυ ώhατ τø ḋø
ÿ: ïṡ løṿεḋ вÿ εṿεɾÿøṉε
ʐ: сαṉ вε ƒυṉṉÿ αṉḋ ḋυṃв ατ τïṃεṡ

|First| (yes i have 2 first names ok)
ј: ïṡ ɾεαllÿ ṡώεετ
ε: hαṡ ģøɾģεøυṡ εÿεṡ
ṉ: сαṉ ќïсќ τhε hεсќ øυτ øƒ υ
ṉ: сαṉ ќïсќ τhε hεсќ øυτ øƒ υ
α: høτ

ṃ: ṃαќεṡ ḋατïṉģ ƒυṉ
α: høτ
ɾ: ģøøḋ вøÿƒɾïεṉḋ øɾ ģïɾlƒɾïεṉḋ
ï: løṿεṡ τø lαυģh αṉḋ ṡṃïlε
ε: hαṡ ģøɾģεøυṡ εÿεṡ

ṡ: сυτε
с: ģøøḋ ќïṡṡεɾ
σ: α hÿρøсɾïτε
τ: ṿεɾÿ ģøøḋ ќïṡṡεɾ
τ: ṿεɾÿ ģøøḋ ќïṡṡεɾ

....../ `---___________----___|] 
...../_==o;;;;;;;;_______ __.:| 
.....), ---.(_(__) / 
....// (..) ),.----"
..//___// i love guns

Girl: Do i ever cross ur mind
Boy: No
Girl: Do you like me?
Boy: Not really
Girl: Do you want me?
Boy: No
Girl: Would you cry if I left?
Boy: No
Girl: Would you live for me?
Boy: No
Girl: Would you do anything for me?
Boy: No
Girl: Choose--me or ur life
Boy: my life
The girl runs away in shock and pain and the boy runs after her and says...
The reason you never cross my mind is because you're always on my mind.
The reason why I don't like you is because I love you.
The reason I don't want you is because I need you.
The reason I wouldn't cry if you left is because I would die if you left.
The reason I wouldn't live for you is because I would die for you.
The reason why I'm not willing to do anything for you is because I would do everything for you.
The reason I chose my life is because you ARE my life

-Escape the fate
--Bless the fall
---My Chmeical Romance
-----Panic! at the Disco
-----Dot Dot Curve :)
------Black Veil Brides
--------New Found Glory 
---------Secondhand Serenade
-----------Blood on the Dance Floor
----------Hollywood Undead
--------Linkin Park
-------Avenged Sevenfold
------Relationship on a Rocketship
-----Metro Station
----Rocketship to the moon 
---Porcelain and the tramps
--Breathe Carolina
-Watchout! There's Ghost


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  • Золотых Blingee: 4
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  • Внесенных штампов: 286
  • Открытки: 0

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_IamNina_ пишет:

4602 дня назад
You're a fan of Asian Music
then please join this group

► http://blingee.com/group/78932 ◄ 

 `·. !!ASIAN MUSIC!! 
/ \

blood_on_the_... пишет:

4878 дней назад
ello xp my loseers

o.O.Epic_Fail... пишет:

4896 дней назад
please join and add blingees:

joerox123 пишет:

4910 дней назад
i meant to say dude not d lol

joerox123 пишет:

4910 дней назад
d,your boyyy is HOT!!!!

joerox123 пишет:

4913 дней назад
Cool. So what's up?

amg97 пишет:

4914 дней назад
np :P u have a bf?

amg97 пишет:

4914 дней назад
nice nickname :P

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