Marilyn Monroe's Funeral - joe dimaggio center

Marilyn Monroe's Funeral - joe dimaggio center
Joe had married marilyn and after a rough few months they divorced, they stayed VERY close friends and Joe was the one who took care of everything for Marilyn once she was passed away. He saw to a private family and a few friends only funeral, he carried out her will, he watched where her belongings went though that got very crazy - and he was the one person who truly seemed to really Love Marilyn, all the papers showed how he cried. It was a big thing that this very famous baseball player (hall of fame) shed tears in public in 62 - he loved her very very much. Some of the photos are from when they found her, Joe always believed it was no accident. He never wrote a book on her though or did any interviews about it. He just told his son who was also there, and mourned a Great loss..
アップした人: mzselinakyle


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