♫•¤*¤Vocaloid 3¤*¤•♫

書き込み: 4707日 前
I've just found out that the release of Vocaloid 3 is expected in September 2011!
This software will also support beside singing in Japanese and English also Chinese, Korean, and Spanish!

Here is a demo song of a korean vocaloid (3) which will come out this year!


I've also found a picture of a new Vocaloid 3 character! But i am not sure if she is offical or just a fanmade!

It's also said that there will come new 2 vocaloids! (they are looking quite offical)!


I don't know if they are vocaloid 2 or 3...

well that's everything i know and i don't know if this information are true or false!^^

If someone knows more about this theme can post it here! =D

書き込み: 4706日 前
waahh!! this is soo cool!!! XDDD 

I can't wait for Vocaloid 3!
書き込み: 4662日 前
I must be dumb for saying this but what is a vocaloid 2 or 3? and whats does UTAU mean?
書き込み: 4660日 前
so it's easy to explain:
vocaloid, vocaloid 2, and vocaloid 3 are just different "generations" 
The persons who making and working on new voice-banks want to prove their voices to sound more and more human... vocaloid is just an upgrading of vocaloid 2 the same goes for vocaloid 3...

UTAU is only... mmh i think i can say another family... there are differences between each other but the main thing is that you have to pay for vocaloid and utau is free and can be used (after some training) by everyone!