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I am a proud member of Howrse since 2008-06-16! I guess I can consider myself a real 'howrse original' haha. With Howrse, you can breed your own horses and manage your own equestrian center. It is the best horse sim game I have EVER PLAYED - it's so addicting, you have to try it at least once, it's especialy great for people like me who don't have their own horse...it's like having your own! Minus the money of course ;-)

First..get a pen and paper. When you actually choose names, make sure it's people you actually know and go with your first instinct.

Scroll down one line at a time...and don't read ahead or you'll ruin it!

1. First, write the numbers 1 through 11 in a column.

2. Then, beside numbers 1 and 2, write down any two numbers you want.

3. Beside the 3 and 7, write down the names of members of the opposite sex.


4. Write anyone's name (like friends or family....) in the 4th, 5th and 6th spots.

5. Write down four song titles in 8,9,10, and 11.


6. Finally, make a wish. (nothing you know is impossible)

And now the key for the game.....

1. You must tell (the number in space 2) people about this game.

2. The person in space 3 is the one that you love.

3. The person in 7 is one you like but can't work out.

4. You care most about the person you put in 4

5. The person you name in number 5 is the one who knows you very well.

6. The person you name in 6 is your lucky star.

7. The song in 8 is the song that matches with the person in number 3.

8. The title in 9 is the song for the person in 7.

9. The tenth space is the song that tells you most about YOUR mind.

10. and 11 is the song telling you how you feel about life

NOW...put this on your site within the hour you read this...IF you do..your wish will come true. If you don't it will become the opposite!! i'm still waiting to see if mine does

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  • Contribuições de carimbos: 4
  • Cartões postais: 0

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A royall wedding :0
The Royall Wedding
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SmileyFace10 disse:

4808 dias atrás
I am nice ! :)

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