alo145's Badge

"Sunglasses" Silver Blingee Receive an average rating of 3 stars after 5 votes, for a Blingee created during the "Sunglasses" Week (week of 2013/06/24)

Blingees that won this badge

My heart is bigger than the distance n between us because you left and my heart has been healed
She's special because of who she is not who you think she is she is special and unique in Every way
You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare in my eyes full of emotions
You've blown me away in the midst of love i cannot stand without the loose grasp of the vines to my strength
Blood is thicker than water, water is thicker than you my lover and i am nothing just a puddle in your grasp
Not all people know the good inside of many, but we wonder what we are,Lies come out but theres always the Truth
Everyone has there own creativeness, find yourself inside and express it
Plain, But simple and Elegant
Happy Girls Shine Brighter

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