Influenced Nightmare's (Blue Beam Project)

Influenced Nightmare's (Blue Beam Project)
Influenced nightmare's are worse than electronic harrassment on genitals because the dreams are so real, it makes me wonder why I've heard women (who are victims) call it virtual rape. I feel like my dreams are so real, I'm in this Matrix system where my conscious leaves me body but, someone is physically raping my body while I sleep. I have no idea how far advanced technology is but, I do know Blue Beam Project is decades old. I wonder if the government of Kentucky does voo doo on me and use's (for example) my dad's body to fulfill a sick fantasy. My dreams are so real its unfair because I wake up remember the feeling's I had during the dream. I met a T.I at the conference Conne Marshall set up in Louisville, Ky and she told me she has influenced dreams of being with a woman because...(from my point of view...she seemed homophobic...but she wasn't rude to me..she didn't know I was gay)...but, I told her that the reason they influence my dreams with men and me being a child is because they know I am gay, I do not desire men (FYI: I would rater die than be with a man who's a millionaire...I would rather die happy than do that)...but, the scientist's who control my dreams are sick because as a lesbian who's never been with a man (like that...honestly, I have been with about 2 men...maybe three, if you count my first), I hate that I know the feeling of my dad's penis. That's how real my dreams were. There are straight women who've been with 20-40 men their entire life. I am 27 years old...! But anyway, there are women who've loved men and because they had sex with them often, they know the feeling of that man's penis...I have never been with a man that way and I know my dad's penis because I have had so many night mare's of being raped as a child. My daddy did not rape me! Latosha Johnson of KoolSmiles is a snake because when I started having these dreams, I worked for Kool Smiles and I confided in her about my dreams and other things and she continue's to play her role as a perp.
created by: aliceiris711

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aliceiris711 says:

5094 days ago

Look at Steve Beshear's face and tell me he doesn't look like a devil

(fuck you if you call me racist!)

aliceiris711 says:

5094 days ago
Beyoncé - Sweet Dreams

I do not hate Beyonce at this point in my life. But, this woman is popping and grinding to the nightmare's I am having. She was paid to decieve people about Blue Beam. 

As far as Rihanna is concerned, I believe Disturbia is her exp. When I wrote about her song, I had nightmare's the same night. I believe Rihanna is a victim. I don't know but, she's not grinding to sweet dreams like beyonce. 

aliceiris711 says:

5094 days ago
Also if you watch Kanye's Paranoid, you'll see Rihanna is playing a woman who is having nightmare's. Beyonce is in Sweet Dreams with a dove leaving her body which symbolizes purity. Run w/ me on this: If I were a child having nightmare's of my dad & my dad were having nightmare's of me, what would purity leaving our body mean? I don't excuse men who hurt their own but, people are being conditioned & mind controlled to rape their own babies like illuminati men do. KILL-illuminati. 

aliceiris711 says:

5094 days ago
The reason I am still up is because I had an influenced dream last night and it wasn't of my father but, it was bad and I believe it was influenced.

Mind Control part 2 Monarch pt 10B Russian Mind Control (repost) / Blue Beam

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