Cassandra ID

Cassandra ID
Name: Cassandra - Nicknames: Cassie - Name meaning: Deciever of men or Prophetess - Age: 2 years - Species: Wolf - Breed: Tundra wolf - Mother: Unknown - Father: Unknown - Siblings: Unknown but Zero is like one! - Crush(s): Roman(espioxvanessa) - Crush(es)on her: Roman - Mate: Will be Roman - Son(s): Doesn't like pups - Daughter(s): Doesn't like pups - Personality: Sweet, charming, smart, pokey (meaning slow), likes to loiter all the time - Likes: Roman , Zero(as a brothely figure), loitering - Dislikes: running, being forced to do somthing she doesn't want to do - History: Cassandra has no memory of her parents or siblings or her past life, all she remembered was playing with Zero and Danny, she had a slight crush on Zero when she was a puppy but he didn't feel the same, he only saw her as a sister nothing more which hurt her feelings a little but she got over it, when zero got seprated from the pack Cassandra was worried and tried in vain to look for him, she finally found him with a pretty red wolf with black markings, she could tell he likes her but noticed she didn't seem to have any interest in him she seemed to like Danny more when he was around she treated poor Zero like he was invisible she tired to comfort him and tried to get him to like her instead but he rejected her and said he'd only ever love her like a sister never in a romantic way, after eh said that he dissapared, but she followed his trail and found him again with the same wolf before, she saw that he still liked her and decided to help him so she started to flirt with him and Zero catching on to what she was doing started to do it back, she kept sneaking glances and saw that Gaara did look jealous, very jealous. She made an excuse she was feeling sick and ran away, Zero went after her leaving her alone. she decided to go back home and during ehr journey home she met a cute boy named Roman, she liked him alot but she was nervous to tell him how she felt because she didn't want to to her heart broken like with Zero.
gemaakt door: Regentvice

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Gebruikte blingee-stamps

13 graphics were used to create this "adriana id me byencutza bianca vreau sa stiu si eu cum fa" picture.
Light cream/tan color
Red Glitter
Simple Black Pattern
light brown solid color background ink ²u
mine and Emmett's fur color
Jenna- Bandanna Color
autumn glitter
Animated background fantasy sky
Dark Red Glitter
Light Brown Glitter Background__
secondary chihuahua color

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