All what was posted by BBB338 is true. Soave posted that her blingee were copied and posted all the url. Then when laakirawhitewolfwoman went to try and help that person attacked and kept attacking her. She had sent a message explain why she had to drop her as friend, because he other friends had caught the person copying and were dropping her as friends. I think that was a nice thing and message for it was posted. After a few days all agreed on a peace. I stood up for the two and I got downvoted into the 2 and 3. I stood up for what was right. Then the person attacked again 4 or days later after promising peace and that they would not copy anymore. So all what is said is true. We only want peace but that person is still copying.
gemaakt door: jasminemist

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Gebruikte blingee-stamps

5 graphics were used to create this "glee and i am telling you video" picture.
pink background
Cyber Bully
Simple Black Pattern
Simple White Pattern
Fantasy animated frame rainbow



BBB338 zegt:

1539 days geleden
So very true and totally well spoken! Splendid! 5*
 ☘️ ☘️ ☘️ ☘️ ☘️

BBB338 zegt:

1540 days geleden
Well spoken and beautifully created--she wants another truce!!

shwetashweta zegt:

1541 days geleden
♥♥  Beautiful  ♥♥
♥♥  BLINGEE  ♥♥

laakirawhitew... zegt:

1541 days geleden
Thank you for standing up for the truth.  We did all have a promise from the person to stop then they attacked again from something weeks before the peace just to keep up the fury.  This will continue I am almost sure until the bullying, copying, harassment, and lies continues.  Good message 5*****

feliciaswellis zegt:

1541 days geleden
Beautiful Blingee 5***** 4 You!!!

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