Creatures of the Night by Rhett May is Outstanding Rock Pop

書き込み: 2570日 前
“Rhett May’s “Creatures of the Night” is a perfect blend of pop and psychedelic performed with passion.” –Skope Magazine (August 12, 2016) 

It is hard not to love the diverse fusion of sounds coming from Rhett May’s latest album “Creatures of the Night.”  He incorporates a classic rock vibe that is accompanied by pop, funk, psychedelic, and even jazzy elements.  Utilizing his skills as a guitar player, sitar player, vocalist and lyricist; Rhett May is undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with in the musical scene today.  

In addition to having such captivating music, Rhett May has also released an interesting and engaging official video to accompany the title track of the album.  It is abstract and complex and contains a plot twist at the end that you won't want to miss.

You can watch the video on his YouTube channel here:

If you want to check more out of Rhett May’s music, he has a FREE DOWNLOAD up on Noisetrade here: of “Lexxi May”. If you love end up loving both of these tunes, then head to iTunes here: to get yourself a copy of the album.

Keep up with Rhett check out his Facebook here: , Twitter here: and ReverbNation here: or discover more through his official website at