Профиль CelticAngel

          (\   _   /)
          ( \ ( ) / )
          (          )
           `>   <´
             /     \    Welcome to my Blingeeland

         -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- 


My name is ~*Deena*~ I am 34 years old and I am a very proud Army wife and Air Force Step-Mom. I live in Alabama, have three wonderful step-sons: a set of twins that are my Air Force boys, a 17 year old that actually likes working and paying for his own things, a wonderful husband.....

     __          __          __         __
   /~ .~\    /~  ~\    /~ .~\    /~  ~\
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   \    Deena   *./    \      Chris    *./
   `\ .      .   .*/'      `\ .      .     .*/'      
     `\ * .*. */' _    _  `\ * .* . */'         
       `\ * */'  ( `\/'*)    `\ * */'         
          `\/'      \   */'        `\/'             

and then there is our wonderful Chihuahua..

Dauby.....      _=,_
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         -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=-


I pretty much take ANYTHING that has to do with Art serious...and yes...I consider this Art!!! I truly love to create and love to share in hopes that what I do brings a little joy to someone else's world :) 

I use Paint Shop Pro X, Animation Shop 3, Swishmax, Microsoft Flash and Fireworks and I am self taught through online tutorials and just spending HOURS playing around.

         -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=-
       .m$m.  .m$m.
    $$$$$$$$$$$   $$             



This is pretty cut and dry...I don't vote to boost my own work..I vote to put in my opinion the best blingee's at the top. If my work happens to come up with yours and yours is far better you can bet I will be the first to give you props!!!

#2) I don't vote just because you vote for me, or if you are in my circle...I simply vote for what I believe to the better of the two images that pop up. 

#3) If a Blingee pops up and it has NOTHING to do with the Category it is in...it's a NO VOTE! 

OH AND ONE MORE THING!!!! ANY Blingee with MINORS sporting cigs, booze ect. ...you got it..NO VOTE! I find it disgusting, perverted and down right abusive!!! 

~*If this offends anyone...well I am not going to apologize for being fair, honest nor a responsible adult.....Kapeesh?*~

         -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=-

To All My Blingee Friends: Since I seem to be on here 24/7 lately..you are all becoming very dear even though I have never met anyone of you..I sooo enjoy your comments, your blingee's and the chit chat :) 

  ~~~~~~~~~~~I Love Making New Friends~~~~~~~~~~~~

                     (`'·.¸(`'·.¸ I'm sending¸.·'´)¸.·'´)
                  (_¸.·'´(_¸.·'´  great big `'·.¸_)`'·.¸_)
                (_¸.·'´)(_¸.·'´)hugsTo you(_¸.·'´)(_¸.·'´)   

                   K \        
                  IS\  \
               SKISS\  \
             KISSKIS \  \     Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!!!

         -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=-

                             ~**~ CUSTOM STAMPS~**~

OK FOLS..stamps are out of privateville :) All I ask is that you please rate them  *HUGS*

I am open for suggestions & request. And of course if you see something that needs to be tweaked..Please let me know!

Thanks and Happy Blingeeing 






  • Сколько раз был(а) в Центре внимания: 0
  • Жетонов: 28
  • Золотых Blingee: 6
  • Серебряных Blingee: 13
  • Внесенных штампов: 15,514
  • Открытки: 0

Мои конкурсные работы

The Dragon Lady
Get Well Soon
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PiratesLady пишет:

4703 дня назад
Not sure if this is a conventional way to get friends for my daughter but I'm gonna try.  My daughter is 14 and she has just started doing blingees and they're really good I think but she needs friends, so I was wondering if any of my circle would add her to their circles?  Nonnie101 is her name.  Thanks to all who respond.

Faith20000 пишет:

5097 дней назад
Hey I was wondering, since i have new blingees up, could you rate them for me, please and thank you

borzoilvr пишет:

5629 дней назад
Happy Thanksgiving my friend, a little something for you and your family.
Hugs Penny

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