
I'm J30, aka Maxria or Max/Maxxie. I'm so glad that I'm able to use this site because all the other picture programs (such as Adobe or Paint) is either too dull or too complicated. With Blingee, I'm able to make a great picture with so many cool graphics. Feel free to look at these pictures anytime. Some of these pictures include Kingdom Hearts, anime shows (Ex: Peach Girl, Naruto, ect.), Shadow the Hedgehog, Halo, celebrities, and random people (mostly girls) that have some kind of chilling expression. Also you may see people from the real world. These are the people who asked me to help them create a stunning profile picture for Facebook.

Well, I guess that's all! Cya!
~Maxria XV~

P.S. My latest pictures can be edited so you can just press the print-screen key on your keyboard, put the picture into paint, and remove the logo without doing any harm to the picture itself. That's why you'll notice I leave a lot of black space at the bottom.


  • Nombre de fois mis en vedette: 0
  • Badges: 40
  • Blingees Palme d'or: 0
  • Blingees Palme d'argent: 6
  • Contributions de Stamps: 27
  • Cartes postales: 0

Mes candidats pour les compétitions

Depressed Violinist
Melody Stairway
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piroanimainiac dit:

Il y a 5065 jours
Thanks i am obsessd with coulers

piroanimainiac dit:

Il y a 5115 jours
yes! YES! It would concer the world and when the heat of it dies down we shall create build a buddy 2 called "build a buddy music madness" and it plays all you favorite music! XD

piroanimainiac dit:

Il y a 5149 jours
OMG! i shall bow to the master of creation you have more awsomness than i can fathom if the build a buddy was real id have one with a rainbow mohichan who likes to wear clown trousers!

piroanimainiac dit:

Il y a 5151 jours
MEGA LOL! have you ever wonderd why they dont make a spatula that dances? i think there would be large market range for that kind of untensil. I WOULD BUY ONE!

piroanimainiac dit:

Il y a 5156 jours

piroanimainiac dit:

Il y a 5162 jours
Thanks il take you up on that offer. My display picture acctully me so thanks lol. My names Aimee by the way

piroanimainiac dit:

Il y a 5164 jours
Hi.Your blingees are so cool im new at this so im looking-up to people like you at the mo.

sonicthehedge... dit:

Il y a 5200 jours
your bligees are soooooo cute *w*

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